
Google Scholar


132) Spectral form factor and energy correlations in banded random matrices
Adway K Das, A Ghosh, Lea F Santos

131) Chaos destroys the excited state quantum phase transition of the Kerr parametric oscillator
Ignacio García-Mata, Miguel A Prado Reynoso, Rodrigo G Cortiñas, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Victor S Batista, Lea F Santos, Diego A Wisniacki

130) Quantum sensing in Kerr parametric oscillators
Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Daniela Garrido-Ramírez, AJ Carmona, Victor S Batista, Francisco Pérez-Bernal, Carlos A Trallero-Herrero, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, Lea F Santos

129) Classical and Quantum Properties of the Spin-Boson Dicke Model: Chaos, Localization, and Scarring
David Villaseñor, Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, Jorge G. Hirsch

128) Timescales of quantum and classical chaotic spin models evolving toward equilibrium
F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev, Lea F Santos

127) Characterizing conical intersections of nucleobases on quantum computers
Yuchen Wang, Cameron Cianci, Irma Avdic, Rishab Dutta, Samuel Warren, Brandon Allen, Nam P Vu, Lea F Santos, Victor S Batista, David A Mazziotti
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 21, 1213 (2025)

126) Proposal for many-body quantum chaos detection
Adway Kumar Das, Cameron Cianci, Delmar G. A. Cabral, David A. Zarate-Herrada, Patrick Pinney, Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Apollonas S. Matsoukas-Roubeas, Victor S. Batista, Adolfo del Campo, E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera, Lea F. Santos
Physical Review Research 7, 013181 (2025) [arXiv:2401.01401]

125) Driving superconducting qubits into chaos
J Chávez-Carlos, RG Cortiñas, MAP Reynoso, I García-Mata, VS Batista, Francisco Pérez-Bernal, Diego A Wisniacki, Lea F Santos
Quantum Science and Technology 10, 015039 (2024) [arXiv:2310.17698]


124) Breakdown of the quantum distinction of regular and chaotic classical dynamics in dissipative systems
David Villaseñor, Lea F Santos, Pablo Barberis-Blostein
Physical Review Letters 133, 240404 (2024) [arXiv:2406.07616]

123) Effects of stickiness on the quantum states of strongly chaotic open systems
Miguel A Prado Reynoso, Edson M Signor, Sandra D Prado, Lea F Santos
Physical Review E 110, L062201 (2024)[arXiv:2407.08780]

122) A Roadmap for Simulating Chemical Dynamics on a Parametrically Driven Bosonic Quantum Device
Delmar GA Cabral, Pouya Khazaei, Brandon C Allen, Pablo E Videla, Max Schäfer, Rodrigo G Cortiñas, Alejandro Cros Carrillo de Albornoz, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Lea F Santos, Eitan Geva, Victor S Batista
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15, 12042 (2024)

121) Subspace-Search Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution for Excited State Computations
Cameron Cianci, Lea F. Santos, Victor S. Batista
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20, 8940 (2024) [arXiv:2407.11182]

120) Reducing dynamical fluctuations and enforcing self-averaging by opening many-body quantum systems
Isaías Vallejo-Fabila, Adway Kumar-Das, David A Zarate-Herrada, Apollonas S Matsoukas-Roubeas, E Jonathan Torres-Herrera, Lea F Santos
Physical Review B 110, 075138 (2024) [arXiv:2406.14647]

119) Simulating Chemistry on Bosonic Quantum Devices
Rishab Dutta, Delmar GA Cabral, Ningyi Lyu, Nam P Vu, Yuchen Wang, Brandon Allen, Xiaohan Dan, Rodrigo G Cortiñas, Pouya Khazaei, Scott E Smart, Scott Nie, Michel H Devoret, David A Mazziotti, Prineha Narang, Chen Wang, James D Whitfield, Angela K Wilson, Heidi P Hendrickson, Daniel A Lidar, Francisco Pérez-Bernal, Lea F Santos, Sabre Kais, Eitan Geva, Victor S Batista
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20, 6426 (2024) [arXiv:2404.10214]

118) Degeneracy in excited state quantum phase transitions of two-level bosonic models and its influence on system dynamics
J Khalouf-Rivera, Q Wang, LF Santos, JE Ramos, M Carvajal, F. Pérez-Bernal
Physical Review A 109, 062219 (2024) [arXiv:2303.16551]

117) Effective versus Floquet theory for the Kerr parametric oscillator
I García-Mata, RG Cortiñas, X Xiao, J Chávez-Carlos, VS Batista, Lea F Santos, Diego A Wisniacki
Quantum 8, 1298 (2024) [arXiv:2309.12516]

116) Quantum multifractality as a probe of phase space in the Dicke model
MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, D Villaseñor, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos, Jorge G Hirsch
Physical Review E 109, 034202 (2024) [arXiv:2307.03801]


115) Symmetries of the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator
F Iachello, RG Cortiñas, F Pérez-Bernal, Lea F Santos
Journal of Physics A 56, 495305 (2023) [arXiv:2310.09245]

114) Temporal fluctuations of correlators in integrable and chaotic quantum systems
Talía Lezama, Y. Bar Lev, Lea F Santos
SciPost Physics 15, 244 (2023) [arXiv:2307.08440]

113) A self-averaging spectral form factor implies unitarity breaking
AS Matsoukas-Roubeas, M Beau, Lea F Santos, A del Campo
Physical Review A 108, 062201 (2023) [arXiv:2307.04791]

112) Periodically and quasiperiodically driven-anisotropic Dicke model
P Das, DS Bhakuni, Lea F Santos, A Sharma
Physical Review A 108, 063716 (2023) [arXiv:2306.16809]

111) Quantum tunneling and level crossings in the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator
MA Prado Reynoso, DJ Nader, J Chávez-Carlos, BE Ordaz-Mendoza, Rodrigo G Cortiñas, Victor S Batista, S Lerma-Hernández, Francisco Pérez-Bernal, Lea F Santos
Physical Review A 108, 033709 (2023) [arXiv:2305.10483]

110) A. L. M. Southier, Lea F. Santos, P. H. Souto Ribeiro, and A. D. Ribeiro
Identifying primes from entanglement dynamics
Physical Review A 108, 042404 (2023) [arXiv:2303.10157]

109) DA Zarate-Herrada, Lea F Santos, EJ Torres-Herrera
Generalized Survival Probability
Entropy 25, 205 (2023)  [arXiv:2302.08512]

108) Luis Benet, Fausto Borgonovi, Felix M. Izrailev, Lea F. Santos
Quantum-classical correspondence of strongly chaotic many-body spin models
Physical Review B 107, 155143 (2023) [arXiv:2211.10451]

107) V Balachandran, Lea F Santos, M Rigol, D Poletti
Effect of symmetries in out-of-time ordered correlators in interacting integrable and nonintegrable many-body quantum systems
Physical Review B 107, 235421 (2023) [arXiv:2211.07073]

106) Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Talía LM Lezama, Rodrigo G Cortiñas, Jayameenakshi Venkatraman, Michel H Devoret, Victor S Batista, Francisco Pérez-Bernal, Lea F Santos
Spectral kissing and its dynamical consequences in the squeezed Kerr-nonlinear oscillator
npj Quantum Information 9, 76 (2023) [arXiv:2210.07255]

105) Yael Lebel, Lea F Santos, Yevgeny Bar Lev
Chaos enhancement in large-spin chains
SciPost Phys. 15, 022 (2023) [arXiv:2204.00018]

104) David Villaseñor, Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Miguel A Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos, Jorge G Hirsch
Chaos and Thermalization in the Spin-Boson Dicke Model
Entropy 25, 8 (2023) [arXiv:2211.08434]


103) Wouter Buijsman, Talía L. M. Lezama, Tamar Leiser, Lea F. Santos
Ground-state energy distribution of disordered many-body quantum systems
Physical Review E 106, 054144 (2022) [arXiv:2205.09771]

102) Karin Wittmann W, E.R. Castro, A. Foerster, Lea F Santos
Interacting bosons in a triple well: Preface of many-body quantum chaos
Physical Review E 105, 034204 (2022) [arXiv:2111.13714]

101) Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, David Villaseñor, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, Jorge G. Hirsch,
Identification of quantum scars via phase-space localization measures,
Quantum 6, 644 (2022) [arXiv:2107.06894]

100) Y Liu, Lea F Santos, E Prodan
Topological Gaps in Quasi-Periodic Spin Chains: A Numerical and K-Theoretic Analysis
Physical Review B 105, 035115 (2022) [arXiv:2009.03752]


99) ER Castro, J Chávez-Carlos, I Roditi, Lea F Santos, JG Hirsch
Quantum-classical correspondence of a system of interacting bosons in a triple-well potential
Quantum 5, 563 (2021) [arXiv:2105.10515]

98) Devendra Singh Bhakuni, Lea F. Santos, and Yevgeny Bar Lev
Heating suppression by long-range interactions in periodically driven spin chains
Physical Review B 104, L140301 (2021)

97) Thomás Fogarty, Miguel Angel Garcia-March, Lea F. Santos, N.L. Harshman
Probing the edge between integrability and quantum chaos in interacting few-atom systems
Quantum 5, 486 (2021)

96) TLM Lezama, EJ Torres-Herrera, F Pérez-Bernal, YB Lev, Lea F Santos
Equilibration time in many-body quantum systems
Physical Review B 104, 085117 (2021)

95) A Solórzano, Lea F Santos, EJ Torres-Herrera
Multifractality and self-averaging at the many-body localization transition
Physical Review Research 3, L032030 (2021)

94) G Zisling, Lea F Santos, YB Lev
How many particles make up a chaotic many-body quantum system?
SciPost Physics 10, 088 (2021)

93) S Pilatowsky-Cameo, D Villaseñor, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos, Jorge G Hirsch
Ubiquitous quantum scarring does not prevent ergodicity
Nature Communications 12, 852 (2021)

92) M Niknam, Lea F Santos, DG Cory
Experimental Detection of the Correlation Rényi Entropy in the Central Spin Model
Physical Review Letters 27, 080401 (2021)

91) S Pilatowsky-Cameo, D Villaseñor, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos, Jorge G Hirsch
Quantum scarring in a spin-boson system: fundamental families of periodic orbits
New Journal of Physics, 23 033045 (2021)


90) EJ Torres-Herrera, I Vallejo-Fabila, AJ Martínez-Mendoza, Lea F Santos
Self-averaging in many-body quantum systems out of equilibrium: Time dependence of distributions
Physical Review E 102, 062126 (2020)

89) Lea F Santos, F Pérez-Bernal, EJ Torres-Herrera
Speck of chaos
Physical Review Research 2, 043034 (2020)

88) EJ Torres-Herrera, G De Tomasi, M Schiulaz, F Pérez-Bernal, LF Santos
Self-averaging in many-body quantum systems out of equilibrium: Approach to the localized phase
Physical Review B 102, 094310 (2020).

87) M Schiulaz, EJ Torres-Herrera, F Pérez-Bernal, LF Santos
Self-averaging in many-body quantum systems out of equilibrium: Chaotic Systems
Physical Review B 101, 174312 (2020).

86) D Villasenor, S Pilatowsky-Cameo, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos, Jorge G Hirsch
Quantum vs classical dynamics in a spin-boson system: manifestations of spectral correlations and scarring
New Journal of Physics 22, 063036 (2020)

85) EJ Torres-Herrera, LF Santos
Dynamical Detection of Level Repulsion in the One-Particle Aubry-André Model
Condensed Matter 5, 7 (2020) [in memory of Shmuel Fishman]

84) S Pilatowsky-Cameo, J Chávez-Carlos, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, Pavel Stránský, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos, Jorge G Hirsch
Positive quantum Lyapunov exponents in experimental systems with a regular classical limit
Physical Review E 101, 010202 (R) (2020)

83) M Niknam, LF Santos, DG Cory
Sensitivity of quantum information to environment perturbations measured with a nonlocal out-of-time-order correlation function,
Physical Review R 2, 013200 (2020)


82) J Khalouf-Rivera, M Carvajal, LF Santos, F Pérez-Bernal
Calculation of Transition State Energies in the HCN–HNC Isomerization with an Algebraic Model
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 123, 9544 (2019)

81) EJ Torres-Herrera, JA Méndez-Bermúdez, LF Santos
Level repulsion and dynamics in the finite one-dimensional Anderson model
Physical Review E 100, 022142 (2019)

80) S Lerma-Hernández, D Villaseñor, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, EJ Torres-Herrera, LF Santos, JG Hirsch
Dynamical signatures of quantum chaos and relaxation time scales in a spin-boson system
Physical Review E 100, 012218 (2019)

79) F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev, LF Santos,
Timescales in the quench dynamics of many-body quantum systems: Participation ratio vs out-of-time ordered correlator,
Physical Review E 99, 052143 (2019)

78) M. Schiulaz, E. J. Torres-Herrera, L. F. Santos,
Thouless and relaxation time scales in many-body quantum systems,
Physical Review B 99, 174313 (2019)

77) J Chávez-Carlos, B López-del-Carpio, MA Bastarrachea-Magnani, Pavel Stránský, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F Santos, Jorge G Hirsch,
Quantum and classical Lyapunov exponents in atom-field interaction systems
Physical Review Letters 122, 024101 (2019)

76) F. Borgonovi, F. M. Izrailev, L. F. Santos,
Exponentially fast dynamics in chaotic many-body systems  
Physical Review E 99, 010101 (R) (2019)

75) E. J. Torres-Herrera, L. F. Santos,
Signatures of chaos and thermalization in the dynamics of many-body quantum systems
European Physical Journal Special Topics 227, 1897 (2019)


74) M. A. Garcia-March, S. van Frank, M. Bonneau, J. Schmiedmayer, M. Lewenstein, and L. F. Santos,
Relaxation, chaos, and thermalization in a three-mode many-body model of a BEC
New Journal of Physics 20, 113039 (2018)

73) M. Schiulaz, M. Távora, L. F. Santos,
From few- to many-body quantum systems
Quantum Science and Technology 3, 044006 (2018)

72) R. Mondaini, K. Mallayya, L. F. Santos, M. Rigol,
Comment on “Systematic Construction of Counterexamples to the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis”
Physical Review Letters 121, 038901 (2018)

71) S. Lerma-Hernández, J. Chávez-Carlos, M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, L. F. Santos, J. G. Hirsch,
Analytical description of the survival probability of coherent states in regular regimes
Journal of Physics A 51, 475302 (2018)

70) A. del Campo, J. M. Vilaplana, L. F. Santos, J Sonner,
Decay of a Thermofield-Double State in Chaotic Quantum Systems
European Physical Journal Special Topics 227, 247 (2018)

69) E. J. Torres-Herrera, A. García-García, L. F. Santos,
Generic dynamical features of quenched interacting quantum systems: survival probability, density imbalance and out-of-time-ordered correlator
Physical Review B 97, 060303(R) (2018)


68) E. J. Torres-Herrera, L. F. Santos,
Dynamical Manifestations of Quantum Chaos: Correlation Hole and Bulge,     
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 375, 20160434 (2017)

67) Jaime L. C. da C. Filho, Andreia Saguia, Lea F. Santos, Marcelo S. Sarandy,
Many-body localization transition through pairwise correlations,
Physical Review B 96, 014204 (2017)

66) E. J. Torres-Herrera and L. F. Santos,
Extended nonergodic states in disordered many-body quantum systems
Annalen der Physik 529, 1600284 (2017)

65) M. Sindelka, L. F. Santos, N. Moiseyev
Excited-state quantum phase transitions studied from a non-Hermitian perspective,
Physical Review A 95, 010103(R) (2017)

64) F. Pérez-Bernal and L. F. Santos,
Effects of excited state quantum phase transitions on system dynamics,
Fortschritte der Physik, 65, 1600035 (2017)

63) M. Távora, E. J. Torres-Herrera, L. F. Santos,
Power-law Decay Exponents: a Dynamical Criterion for Predicting Thermalization,
Physical Review A 95, 103604 (2017)


62) M. Távora, E. J. Torres-Herrera, L. F. Santos,
Inevitable power-law behavior of isolated many-body quantum systems and how it anticipates thermalization,
Physical Review A 94, 041603R (2016)

61) E. J. Torres-Herrera, J. Karp, M. Távora, and L. F. Santos,
Realistic many-body quantum systems vs full random matrices: static and dynamical properties,
Entropy 18, 359 (2016)

60) L. F. Santos, M. Távora, F. Pérez-Bernal,
Excited state quantum phase transitions in many-body systems with infinite-range interaction: localization, dynamics, and bifurcation,
Physical Review A 94, 012113 (2016)

59) F. Borgonovi, F. M. Izrailev, L. F. Santos, V. G. Zelevisnky,
Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of interacting particles,
Physics Reports 626, 1 (2016)

58) L. F. Santos, F. Borgonovi, G. L. Celardo,
Cooperative shielding in many-body systems with long-range interaction: localization and light cone,
Physical Review Letters 116, 250402 (2016)

57) E. J. Torres-Herrera, M. Tavora, and L. F. Santos,
Survival Probability of the Néel State in Clean and Disordered Systems: an Overview
Braz. Phys. 46, 239 (2016)


56) L. F. Santos and F. Pérez-Bernal,
Structure of eigenstates and quench dynamics at an excited state quantum phase transition
Physical Review A 92, 050101R (2015)

55) E. J. Torres-Herrera and L. F. Santos,
Dynamics at the Many-Body Localization Transition
Physical Review B 92, 014208 (2015)

54) E. J. Torres-Herrera, Davida Kollmar, and L. F. Santos,                                    
Relaxation and Thermalization of Isolated Many-Body Quantum Systems
Physica Scripta T165, 014018 (2015)


53) E. J. Torres-Herrera and L. F. Santos,
Non-Exponential Fidelity Decay in Isolated Interacting Quantum Systems,
Physical Review A 90, 033623 (2014)

52) E. J. Torres-Herrera and L. F. Santos,                                                    
Local quenches with global effects in interacting quantum systems
Physical Review E 89, 062110 (2014)

51) E. J. Torres-Herrera, M. Vyas, and L. F. Santos,                                                
General Features of the Relaxation Dynamics of Interacting Quantum Systems
New Journal of Physics 16, 063010 (2014)

50) E. J. Torres-Herrera and L. F. Santos,
Quench Dynamics of Isolated Many-Body Quantum Systems
Physical Review A 89, 043620 (2014)


49) E. J. Torres-Herrera and L. F. Santos,
Effects of the interplay between initial state and Hamiltonian on the thermalization of isolated quantum many-body systems
Physical Review E 88, 042121 (2013).

48a) P. R. Zangara, A. D. Dente, E. J. Torres-Herrera, H. M. Pastawski, A. Iucci, and L. F. Santos,
Time Fluctuations in Isolated Quantum Systems of Interacting Particles
Physical Review E 88, 032913 (2013).
48b) P. R. Zangara, A. D. Dente, E. J. Torres-Herrera, H. M. Pastawski, A. Iucci, and L. F. Santos,
Erratum: Time Fluctuations in Isolated Quantum Systems of Interacting Particles,
Physical Review E 87, 029904 (2013)

47) K. He, L. F. Santos, T. M. Wrigth, and M. Rigol,                                              
Single-particle and many-body analyses of a quasi-disordered integrable system after a quench,
Physical Review A 87, 063637 (2013)

46) K. Joel, D. Kollmar, and L. F. Santos,
An introduction to the spectrum and dynamics of Heisenberg spins-1/2 chains
American Journal of Physics 81, 450 (2013)          


45) L. F. Santos and M. I. Dykman,
Quantum interference-induced stability of repulsively bound pairs of excitations
New Journal of Physics 14, 095019 (2012)

44) L. F. Santos and M. Rigol,
Fluctuations in the delocalization level of eigenstates and thermalization
Physica Scripta T151, 014033 (2012)

43)  L. F. Santos, A. Polkovnikov, and M. Rigol,
Weak and strong canonical typicality in quantum systems,
Physical Review E 86, 010102R (2012)

42) L. F. Santos, F. Borgonovi and F. M. Izrailev
Onset of chaos and relaxation in isolated systems of interacting spins: Energy shell approach
Physical Review E 85, 036209 (2012).

41) L. F. Santos, F. Borgonovi and F. M. Izrailev,
Chaos and statistical relaxation in quantum systems of interacting particle,
Physical Review Letters 108, 094102 (2012).

40)  A. Gubin and L. F. Santos
Quantum chaos: an introduction via chains of spins-1/2,
American Journal of Physics 80, 246 (2012).


39) L. F. Santos and A. Mitra
Domain wall dynamics in integrable and chaotic spin-1/2 chains,
Physical Review E 84, 016206 (2011)

38) L. F. Santos, A. Polkovnikov, and M. Rigol
Entropy of isolated quantum systems after a quench,
Physical Review Letters 107, 040601 (2011).


37a) L. F. Santos and M. Rigol
Localization and the effects of symmetries in the thermalization properties of one-dimensional quantum systems,
Physical Review E 82, 031130 (2010).
37b) L. F. Santos and M. Rigol,
Erratum: Localization and the effects of symmetries in the thermalization properties of one-dimensional quantum systems,
Physical Review E 87, 029904 (2013)

36) M. Rigol and L. F. Santos
Quantum chaos and thermalization in gapped systems,
Physical Review A 82, 011604R (2010).

35) J. Dinerman and L. F. Santos
Manipulation of the dynamics of many-body systems via quantum control methods,
New Journal of Physics 12, 055025 (2010)

34) L. F. Santos and M. Rigol
Onset of Quantum Chaos in One-Dimensional Bosonic and Fermionic Systems and its Relation to Thermalization,
Physical Review E 81, 036206 (2010).

33) L. F. Santos
Transport Behavior and Dynamical Control in Integrable and Chaotic Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Chains,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200, 022053 (2010).


32) L. F. Santos
Transport and Control in One-Dimensional Systems,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 50, 9095211 (2009).

31) F. Dukesz, M. Zilbergerts, and L. F. Santos,
Interplay between Interaction and (Un)Correlated Disorder in Heisenberg Spin-1/2 Chains: Delocalization and Global Entanglement,
New Journal of Physics 11, 043026 (2009).

30) L. Rego, L. F. Santos, and V. S. Batista
Coherent Control of Quantum Dynamics with Sequences of Unitary Phase-Kick Pulse,
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 60, 293 (2009).


29) L. F. Santos
Transport Control in Low-Dimensional Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Systems,
Physical Review E 78, 031125 (2008)

28) L. F. Santos and L. Viola
Advantages of Randomization in Coherent Quantum Dynamical Control,
New Journal of Physics 10, 083009 (2008).

27) W. Z. Zhang, N. P. Konstantinidis, V.V. Dobrovitski, B.N. Harmon, L.F. Santos, and L. Viola,
Long-time electron spin storage via dynamical suppression of hyperfine-induced decoherence in a quantum dot,  
Physical Review B 77, 125336 (2008).

26) W. G. Brown, L. F. Santos, D. Starling, and L. Viola,
Quantum Chaos, Localization, and Entanglement in Disordered Heisenberg Models,
Physical Review E 77, 021106 (2008).

1994 – 2007

25) W. Zhang, V. V. Dobrovitski, L. F. Santos, L. Viola, and B. N. Harmon
Suppression of electron spin decoherence in a quantum dot,
Journal of Modern Optics 54, 2629 (2007).

24) W. Zhang, V. V. Dobrovitski, L. F. Santos, L. Viola, and B. N. Harmon
Dynamical control of electron spin coherence in a quantum dot: A theoretical study,
Physical Review B 75, 201302(R) (2007).

23) L. F. Santos and L. Viola,
Enhanced Convergence and Robust Performance of Randomized Dynamical Decoupling,
Physical Review Letters 97, 150501 (2006).

22) L. Viola and L. F. Santos,
Randomized Dynamical Decoupling Techniques for Coherent Quantum Control,
Journal of Modern Optics 53, 2559 (2006).

21) L. F. Santos,
Creation of stable multipartite entangled states in spin chains with defects,
International Journal of Quantum Information 4, 563 (2006).

20) C. Hicke, L. F. Santos and M. I. Dykman,
Fault-Tolerant Landau-Zener Quantum Gates
Physical Review A 73, 012342 (2006).

19) L. F. Santos and L. Viola,
Dynamical control of qubit decoherence: Random versus deterministic schemes,
Physical Review A 72, 062303 (2005).

18) F. Pérez-Bernal, L. F. Santos, P. H. Vaccaro, and F. Iachello,
Spectroscopic signatures of nonrigidity: algebraic analyses of infrared and Raman transitions in nonrigid species,
Chemical Physics Letters 414, 398 (2005).

17) M. I. Dykman, L. F. Santos and M. Shapiro,
Many-particle confinement by constructed disorder and quantum computing,
Journal of Optics B 7, S363 (2005).

16) M. I. Dykman, L. F. Santos, M. Shapiro, and F. M. Izrailev
Quantum computing with perpetually coupled qubits: on-site localization of excitations,
Quantum Information and Computation 5, 335 (2005).

15) L. F. Santos and G. Rigolin,
Effects of the interplay between interaction and disorder in bipartite entanglement,
Physical Review A 71, 032321 (2005).

14) L. F. Santos, M. I. Dykman, F. M. Izrailev, and M. Shapiro,
Strong many-particle localization and quantum computing with perpetually coupled qubits,
Physical Review A 71, 012317 (2005).

13) L. F. Santos, G. Rigolin, and C. O. Escobar,
Entanglement versus chaos in disordered spin chains,
Physical Review A 69, 042304 (2004).

12) L. F. Santos,
Integrability of a disordered Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain,
Journal of Physics A 37, 4723 (2004).

11) M. I. Dykman and L. F. Santos,
Antiresonance and interaction-induced localization in spin and qubit chains with defects,
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10) L. F. Santos and M. I. Dykman,
Two-particle localization and antiresonance in disordered spin and qubit chains,
Physical Review B 68, 214410 (2003).

9) L. F. Santos,
Entanglement in quantum computers described by the XXZ model with defects, 
Physical Review A 67, 062306 (2003).

8) L. F. Santos, Dimitri Kusnezov and Ph. Jacquod,
Ground State Properties of Many-Body Systems in the Two-Body Random Ensemble and Random Matrix Theory, Physics Letter B 537, 62 (2002).

7) L. F. Santos and C. O. Escobar,
Quantum open systems and turbulence,  
Physical Review A 65, 022106 (2001).

6) L. F. Santos and C. O. Escobar
Burgers turbulence and the continuous spontaneous localization model,
Europhysics Letters 54, 21 (2001).

5) L. F. Santos and C. O. Escobar
A proposed solution to the tail problem of dynamical reduction models,
Physics Letters A 278, 315 (2001).

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Stochastic differential equations for the continuous spontaneous localization model,
Modern Physics Letters A 15, 1833 (2000).

3) L. F. Santos and C. O. Escobar
Enhanced diffusion and the continuous spontaneous localization model,
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Stochastic motion of an open bosonic string,
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